TeamCameron Set for National Showjumping Championship

Local showjumper Maddy Cameron, is busy preparing for an exciting month ahead, as she prepares to compete at the British Showjumping National Championships at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire from the 6th – 8th August.

Ex racehorse Hard Knock Life (Wilbur) owned by Tony Escott, and ridden by Maddy, has qualified for the RoR (Retraining of Racehorses) Bronze League Final, which they were proudly invited to attend, as there are no set qualifiers. The RoR, alongside British Show Jumping Association pick the combinations to compete, so is a real coup to have been selected.

“I’d like to thank Trevor and Margaret at The Old Quay House – Hayle for their continued support through work and in my equestrian endeavours, and Tony for taking me under his wing and providing me with this opportunity of riding his horses, travelling to such major events and furthering my knowledge in Showjumping”, says Maddy.

She goes on to say “Hard knock life retired from racing about two years ago and came straight to us from North Yorkshire off the track. Wilbur has a very strong quirky character which is exactly what you want in a showjumper, but it has taken from the day we brought him home to now to really make a connection and start working together. Both myself and Tony were absolutely ecstatic to receive the email inviting us to compete in the RoR bronze league final.

Tony says “Wilbur is progressing and moving up through the levels, they’re a good combination and we look forward to travelling to get the best from the both of them.”